
The committee for the ARS 2022 Spring International Convention is grateful for the generous donation from:

At The Springs Living, we strive to create warm, comfortable communities that enhance the lives of seniors and their families. Our goal is to help people live well with grace and dignity and we do this based on core values. We listen. We respect each other. We are accountable to ourselves, our residents and their families.

Portland Metro locations of The Springs Living

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Greer Gardens
Harold w. Lee Stubblefield
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The Greer family has been involved in rhododendrons for more than 60 years. Greer Gardens started as a hobby of Harold Greer’s father, Edgar, whose death in 1972 was the impetus for Harold to make a business of a hobby.  The Garden grew into an internationally known mail-order nursery, with up to 40 employees shipping plants worldwide.

At the time when The Springs Living was looking to build a senior community in Eugene, Harold and Nancy Greer were at the crossroads of retiring from Greer Gardens Nursery. The timing was perfect for both parties and they decided to conceptualize a plan for what would become The Springs at Greer Gardens. With 14 acres to work with, they were able to honor the original nursery’s rich heritage and provide a new home for Harold and Nancy as part of the development. In 2016, the construction began, and in 2017, residents began moving in.

Today, The Springs at Greer Gardens is a thriving community for seniors and their families to enjoy life to the fullest and perhaps enjoy a life that is “Just a little easier here®.”

In 1989, Harold Greer was the youngest person ever to receive an ARS Gold Medal and the youngest to serve as president of the Society. He was the organizing founder of the Western Regional Conferences some 41 years ago and is co-chairing the 2022 convention with Mike Stewart. Harold’s photos have been published widely, including on the cover of Smithsonian Magazine. Harold met a tragic and untimely death in August of 2021. The combination of his extensive knowledge and his warm and engaging style will be greatly missed at this convention.

Additional Sponsors

We extend our gratitude to these generous donors:

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